美国俗语——act one's age
Act one's age是什么意思呢?从字面上来看是“扮演一个人的年龄”,可是年龄怎么扮演呢?估计你绞尽脑汁也想不出个所以然来。因为Act one's age的真正意思是“适龄行为”。也就是你这个年纪应该做符合你这个年龄的行为。也可以做“没大没小”之意,而有时也用be one's age来形容孩子气。来看下面这个例子:We children enjoyed our uncle because he didn't always act his age.(我们的孩子们喜欢叔叔,因为他时常很孩子气。)
你会表达multiple吗?This room is two times bigger than that one.(这个房间比那个房间大两倍。)要是想要比较年龄,就可以说:My age is two times older than his.(我的年龄比他大两倍。)
你会用英文表达“2+3=”吗?看着很简单,可是就是不知道“加”该怎么说?记住了哦:How much is two plus three? 会问了也要回答哦!Two and three is equal to five./If we add two and three, we get five. 它们都可以的。
10-6=?你会毫不犹豫地脱口而出“4”,课时用英语说呢?这个……你不知道“减”应该怎么说吧?那么记一下:How much is ten minus six?你可以用Take six from ten and the remainder is four.或者Six (taken)from ten is four.回答。
如果当你不得不面对3x4=?的表达时,该怎么说呢?How much are three times four? 就是这么简单。至于回答嘛!也不难:Multiply three by four, we get twelve.或者Three multiplied by four makes twelve.