美国文化——gave clinics to the Chinese coaches and players
Clinic最常用的意思是“诊所”,相信大家都知道。但是下面这个句子中的clinic是什么意思呢?“Before the Asian Zone World Cup qualifying finals, Houghton worked for a month with the Chinese coaches and players.”句子前面说他和中国队合作这个好理解,后面说他gave clinics可能会有朋友不太明白了,这人再神通广大也不至涉猎如此广泛,能当医生吧?其实他在这里的意思是“强化集训”。这句话的意思就是“在亚洲区世界杯资格赛前,Houghton与中国队合作了一个月,而且还给中国教练和运动员进行了强化集训。)那么你知道排球集训怎么说吗?就是a volleyball clinic 了。
当身体很不舒服的时候,还是去医院做专业核查比较稳妥。到了医院,如果需要问路,可以这样说:Can you tell me how to get the Consulting Room?(请问到诊疗室怎么走?)也可以用下面的表示方式,比如:想要询问儿科在哪里,可以说:Excuse me, where is the department of pediatrics?
当你去挂号的时候,值班的护士会问你:Which department do you want to register with?(你要挂哪科的号?)如果你想挂外科的号,就可以说I want to see a surgeon.(我要看外科。)
见了医生,肯定是要描述病情的。如果你感觉自己总是很疲惫,可以对医生说:I began to feel unusually tired.(我感到反常的疲惫。)还可以用“I feel drowsy, dizzy and nauseated.”或者“I feel exhausted or fatigued most of the time.”来表示身体疲倦和虚弱。
如果你是因为睡眠不好去看医生,不能简简单单的说自己有“睡眠障碍”,因为睡眠障碍包括不易入睡、难以集中精神、做噩梦等各种症状,所以I have difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate./It is usually hard for me to fall asleep when I go to bed at night./I wake during the night or early morning and find it difficult to fall asleep again.都是不错的表达。