营销英语——Press Release 新闻发布
Is the room ready for the press release?
The chairs, the tables and the flowers have all been well prepared and put to the fixed place.
Everything goes well.
You'd better ask our staff representatives. They can tell you the right answer.

A: For how long Huayi has been preparing for this acquisition?
B: Actually the decision makers of Huayi had the idea of branching out doing very well in our own field at the time.
A: May I ask why Huayi decided to branch out into traditional Chinese medicine instead of expending business in your own field?
B: Traditional Chinese medicine is beginning to be accepted by more and more western people and the potential of the market is really promising. Therefore, we believe we can take the chance at the right time and achieve a lot in this line.
A: 为了准备这次并购,华益准备了多长时间?
B: 实际上,尽管我在自己的领域一直做的很好,华益的决策者两年以上就有扩展到传统中药行业的想法。
A: 我可以问一下为什么华益决定扩展业务范围到中药而不是扩展你们自己的领域呢?
B: 传统的中药越来越被西方人接受,潜在的市场也充满生机。所以,我相信我们可以在适当的时间抓住机会,在这一行业中大展宏图。

(Mr. Li is talking about his company at a press conference.)
Journalist: Mr. Li, I hear that your company is ranked first in your field. Would you please tell me your key success?
Mr. Li: Advanced management and scientific decision-making, I think.
Journalist: Could you please be more specific about that?
Mr. Li: On the one hand, we acquired new concepts and raised the level of management. At the same time, we have taken a series of strict measures in management, especially in quality control. On the other hand, we raised the efficiency of decision-making, chose the right product for the right market, and entered the market at the right moment. Since the measures have turned out to be very effective, as a result, the company is now in a strong position.
Journalist:What did you to stimulate sales? Advertising?
Mr. Li: Advertising is of course one of the ways to make products known to the customers. What's more important is to offer buyers a product at a cheap price.
Journalist: Could you tell me your goal in two years?
Mr. Li: Our destination is to sell our products in the overseas market.
记  者:李先生,我听说贵公司在你们的行业排名第一。能告诉我成功的秘诀吗?
记  者:能更具体点吗?
记  者:你们用什么来刺激销售呢?
记  者:你们两年内的目标是什么?

相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训

营销英语——Press Release 新闻发布

Is the room ready for the press release?
The chairs, the tables and the flowers have all been well prepared and put to the fixed place.
Everything goes well.
You'd better ask our staff representatives. They can tell you the right answer.

A: For how long Huayi has been preparing for this acquisition?
B: Actually the decision makers of Huayi had the idea of branching out doing very well in our own field at the time.
A: May I ask why Huayi decided to branch out into traditional Chinese medicine instead of expending business in your own field?
B: Traditional Chinese medicine is beginning to be accepted by more and more western people and the potential of the market is really promising. Therefore, we believe we can take the chance at the right time and achieve a lot in this line.
A: 为了准备这次并购,华益准备了多长时间?
B: 实际上,尽管我在自己的领域一直做的很好,华益的决策者两年以上就有扩展到传统中药行业的想法。
A: 我可以问一下为什么华益决定扩展业务范围到中药而不是扩展你们自己的领域呢?
B: 传统的中药越来越被西方人接受,潜在的市场也充满生机。所以,我相信我们可以在适当的时间抓住机会,在这一行业中大展宏图。

(Mr. Li is talking about his company at a press conference.)
Journalist: Mr. Li, I hear that your company is ranked first in your field. Would you please tell me your key success?
Mr. Li: Advanced management and scientific decision-making, I think.
Journalist: Could you please be more specific about that?
Mr. Li: On the one hand, we acquired new concepts and raised the level of management. At the same time, we have taken a series of strict measures in management, especially in quality control. On the other hand, we raised the efficiency of decision-making, chose the right product for the right market, and entered the market at the right moment. Since the measures have turned out to be very effective, as a result, the company is now in a strong position.
Journalist:What did you to stimulate sales? Advertising?
Mr. Li: Advertising is of course one of the ways to make products known to the customers. What's more important is to offer buyers a product at a cheap price.
Journalist: Could you tell me your goal in two years?
Mr. Li: Our destination is to sell our products in the overseas market.
记  者:李先生,我听说贵公司在你们的行业排名第一。能告诉我成功的秘诀吗?
记  者:能更具体点吗?
记  者:你们用什么来刺激销售呢?
记  者:你们两年内的目标是什么?

相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训


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