Get close to plastic surgery 走进整容手术



 Bath bubbles and scented candles will simply not do. For a certain type of women who own everything –including very generous family and friends-plastic surgery could make the ideal present.

According to the BBC, more and more women are opting for surgical procedures as Christmas presents, with Botox, tummy tucks and breast enhancements topping some Santa`s lists this year.

 Tina Franklin, from Orange Country, Calfornia, says that she has put Botox on her wish-list, because she wants to start 2012 feeling “fresh”.

 In an interview with BBC News she explained that, after a break-up with a boyfriend, the bridal make-up artist asked her sister for Botox to target her trouble areas around the crow`s feet, between the eyes and on the forehead.

 Luckily for Tina, her sister Nicole Tuzzollno is willing to fork out $650 for the cosmetic treatment which temporarily numbs muscle movement and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

 Ms Tuzzolino admits that she thinks her sister is “a little crazy” and doesn`t think she needs it, but is more than happy to oblige with the plumping present.

 Ms Franklin is not alone. The news show reports that the area`s local cosmetic surgeons are doing a busy trade at this time of the year, coping with the Holiday season boom in procedures.

 Newport Beach and OC women are famous for their love of a little cosmetic help.

 “Living in Orange County, the mecca of plastic surgery, you definitely want to do procedures, including Botox, to soften but not freeze” Ms Franklin said.

 She is one of those in the famously looks-driven area, made famous by the TV show The OC.

 Dr Tenley Lawton, who Ms Franklin has chosen for her Botox, told the network that procedures run from a few hundred dollars for injections to $15,000 for a tummy tuck and breast augmentation known as a “mommy makeover”.

 With increased media attention on beauty and perfection, celebrities and those alike are turning to plastic surgery more and more. Some take out loans for this purpose; one woman spent over $83,000 for 14 surgeries.

 Though media and advertising to play a large role in influencing many people`s lives, researchers believe that plastic surgery obsession is linked to psychological disorders. Body dysmorphic disorder is seen as playing a large role in the lives of those who are obsessed with going under the knife in order to achieve physical perfection.




 Reconstructive surgery were being carried out in India until 800 BC. Sushruta, the father of Surgery, made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery in 6th century BC. The medical works of both Sushruta and Charak originally in Sanskrit were translated into Arabic language during the Abbasid in 750 AD. The Arabic translations made their way into via intermediaries. In Italy, the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna ) become familiar with the techniques of Sushruta.

 British physicians traveled to India to see rhinoplasties being performed by native methods. Reports on Indian rhinoplasty performed by a Kumhar vaidya were published in the Gentleman`s Magazine by 1794. Joseph Constantine Carpue spent 20 years in India studying local plastic surgery methods. Carpue was able to perform the first major surgery in the Western world by 1815. Instruments, described in the Sushruta Samhita, were further modified in the Western world.

 In World War I, a New Zealand otolaryngologist working in London, Harold Gillies developed many of the techniques of modern facial surgery in caring for soldiers suffering from disfiguring facial injuries. Kazanjian and Blair, hired for plastic surgery by the United States army, learned from Gillies in England. His work was explanded upon during World War II by his cousin and former student Archibald Mclndoe, who pioneered treatments, led to the for RAF aircrew suffering from severe burns. Mclndoe`s radical, experimental treatments, led to the formation of the Guinea Pig Club. In 1946, Gillies carried out the first female-to-male sex reassignment surgery.



Something about p0lastic surgery 关于整容手术

Plastic surgery gained legitimacy in the early 20th century by limiting itself to reconstructive operations.


With all the gains to being good-looking, you would think that more people would get plastic surgery or makeovers to improve their looks.


Plastic surgery is becoming a billion-pound industry in the UK.


Venezuela is one of the highest rates of cosmetic surgery in the world.


While cosmetic surgery procedures in the US increased by 114%, between 1997 and 2007, non-surgical procedures increased by 754%.


Reconstructive plastic surgery corrects severe functional impairments, fixes physical abnormalities, and compensates for tissue lost trauma surgery.


Two-thirds believe cosmetic surgery will have become common place and one in six think we will look after own health using apps and gadgets than relying on the doctor.


 相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训


Get close to plastic surgery 走进整容手术



 Bath bubbles and scented candles will simply not do. For a certain type of women who own everything –including very generous family and friends-plastic surgery could make the ideal present.

According to the BBC, more and more women are opting for surgical procedures as Christmas presents, with Botox, tummy tucks and breast enhancements topping some Santa`s lists this year.

 Tina Franklin, from Orange Country, Calfornia, says that she has put Botox on her wish-list, because she wants to start 2012 feeling “fresh”.

 In an interview with BBC News she explained that, after a break-up with a boyfriend, the bridal make-up artist asked her sister for Botox to target her trouble areas around the crow`s feet, between the eyes and on the forehead.

 Luckily for Tina, her sister Nicole Tuzzollno is willing to fork out $650 for the cosmetic treatment which temporarily numbs muscle movement and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

 Ms Tuzzolino admits that she thinks her sister is “a little crazy” and doesn`t think she needs it, but is more than happy to oblige with the plumping present.

 Ms Franklin is not alone. The news show reports that the area`s local cosmetic surgeons are doing a busy trade at this time of the year, coping with the Holiday season boom in procedures.

 Newport Beach and OC women are famous for their love of a little cosmetic help.

 “Living in Orange County, the mecca of plastic surgery, you definitely want to do procedures, including Botox, to soften but not freeze” Ms Franklin said.

 She is one of those in the famously looks-driven area, made famous by the TV show The OC.

 Dr Tenley Lawton, who Ms Franklin has chosen for her Botox, told the network that procedures run from a few hundred dollars for injections to $15,000 for a tummy tuck and breast augmentation known as a “mommy makeover”.

 With increased media attention on beauty and perfection, celebrities and those alike are turning to plastic surgery more and more. Some take out loans for this purpose; one woman spent over $83,000 for 14 surgeries.

 Though media and advertising to play a large role in influencing many people`s lives, researchers believe that plastic surgery obsession is linked to psychological disorders. Body dysmorphic disorder is seen as playing a large role in the lives of those who are obsessed with going under the knife in order to achieve physical perfection.




 Reconstructive surgery were being carried out in India until 800 BC. Sushruta, the father of Surgery, made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery in 6th century BC. The medical works of both Sushruta and Charak originally in Sanskrit were translated into Arabic language during the Abbasid in 750 AD. The Arabic translations made their way into via intermediaries. In Italy, the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna ) become familiar with the techniques of Sushruta.

 British physicians traveled to India to see rhinoplasties being performed by native methods. Reports on Indian rhinoplasty performed by a Kumhar vaidya were published in the Gentleman`s Magazine by 1794. Joseph Constantine Carpue spent 20 years in India studying local plastic surgery methods. Carpue was able to perform the first major surgery in the Western world by 1815. Instruments, described in the Sushruta Samhita, were further modified in the Western world.

 In World War I, a New Zealand otolaryngologist working in London, Harold Gillies developed many of the techniques of modern facial surgery in caring for soldiers suffering from disfiguring facial injuries. Kazanjian and Blair, hired for plastic surgery by the United States army, learned from Gillies in England. His work was explanded upon during World War II by his cousin and former student Archibald Mclndoe, who pioneered treatments, led to the for RAF aircrew suffering from severe burns. Mclndoe`s radical, experimental treatments, led to the formation of the Guinea Pig Club. In 1946, Gillies carried out the first female-to-male sex reassignment surgery.



Something about p0lastic surgery 关于整容手术

Plastic surgery gained legitimacy in the early 20th century by limiting itself to reconstructive operations.


With all the gains to being good-looking, you would think that more people would get plastic surgery or makeovers to improve their looks.


Plastic surgery is becoming a billion-pound industry in the UK.


Venezuela is one of the highest rates of cosmetic surgery in the world.


While cosmetic surgery procedures in the US increased by 114%, between 1997 and 2007, non-surgical procedures increased by 754%.


Reconstructive plastic surgery corrects severe functional impairments, fixes physical abnormalities, and compensates for tissue lost trauma surgery.


Two-thirds believe cosmetic surgery will have become common place and one in six think we will look after own health using apps and gadgets than relying on the doctor.


 相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



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