


事件经历 Have you ever got criticism from your boss or colleagues?

事件缘由 Please tell us the reason for the personal dialogue with your manager recently?

情景假设 Suppose you are criticized strongly by your supervisor, what will you do, leave or stay?

即刻反应 What's your instant response to such condition?

自我解剖 Do you think it is you who should take the blame, or your colleague in your team?

应对方式 How will you deal with the criticism?

认知意识 Do you think that it's always to be bad to get criticism from your surroundings?

为人处世 What will be your attitude towards the person who put you in such embarrassment?



应对态度 It is just the detour, rather than the dead-end street.

应对措施 The objective of my life is to stand up from where I fall down.

待人哲学 I think I should be grateful for him and treat him as a friend, not a foe.



Have you ever got criticism from your boss or colleagues?


Could you explain the reason for personal dialogue with your manager recently? 你能谈谈最近跟老板单独对话的原因吗?

Suppose you are criticized strongly by your supervisor, what will you do, leave or stay?


What's your instant response to such condition?


Do you think it is you who should take the blame, or your colleague in your team?

How will you deal with the criticism? 你是怎样处理批评的呢?

Do you think it is always bad to get criticism from your surroundings?


What will be your attitude towards the person who put you in such embarrassment? 你将以怎样的态度对待使你陷入窘迫的人?

After being criticized, how will you take it for self-motivation?


Self-motivation 是自我勉励的意思。类似的还有self-satisfaction 自鸣得意,self-realization 自我实现



1. I think people should be receptive to favorable judgment. And those who consider criticism as negative will not make great achievement in career. 我认为对待正确的批评已不能改变虚心接受,我想那些认为批评只会带来消极影响的人在事业上不会有好的成就。

2. I am not spoiled like a person who is easy to lose temper. I'll be grateful for those who give me suggestions and criticism, who help me to improve my work to the perfection. 我不是那种被宠坏了,乱发脾气的人。我感谢那些对我提出意见或者批评的人们,是这些人在不断完善我的人生。

Spoiled 意为被宠坏的。例如: The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled.六岁的约翰被宠坏了。还有“变质,损坏”的意思。(spoil的过去式和过去分词)He had spoiled the soup by putting in too much salt。他往汤里放太多盐,把汤给糟蹋了。

3. A general communication is necessary, I think. And then I will take a self-improvement strategy, such as having more patience to my customer, realizing every aspect of what you focus on. 我觉得我们需要交谈,之后我会定制自我提高的计划。比如对自己的顾客更有耐心一点,注意事物的方方面面。

4. The objective of my life is to stand up from where I fall down.


5. I'll accept these suggestions and judgments with positive attitude, which will be helpful for my future life. 我会积极的接受这些建议与批评,这对我今后的人生道路有帮助。

6. I will usually accept this kind of stuff, and improve myself through self-reflection. 通常情况下我都会接受批评,之后我会批判式的自我反省,进而不断完善自己。

7. It is just the detour, rather than the dead-end street. 这只是人生中的一段弯路,而不是走向死亡之路。

Detour 意为绕道,弯路。例如:I will consider each obstacle as a mere detour to my goal and a challenge to my profession. 每一次的困难我都仅仅把它当成达到目标之前的一段绕路,把它当成对我专业技能的挑战。

8. I'm not afraid of being criticized, which makes me fully aware of the fault I committed. 公共场合我不怕丢脸,也许只有这样,我才能记得更清楚自己所犯下的过失。

9. I think I should be grateful for him and treat him as a friend, not a foe. 我想我应该向他表示感谢,并把他当做朋友而不是敌人,因为他教会了我很多。

10.I take it seriously. It reminds me all the time. And that's why I take notes every day now. 我很严肃的对待了。它时刻提着我。后来我开始每天记录笔记了。


  相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训





事件经历 Have you ever got criticism from your boss or colleagues?

事件缘由 Please tell us the reason for the personal dialogue with your manager recently?

情景假设 Suppose you are criticized strongly by your supervisor, what will you do, leave or stay?

即刻反应 What's your instant response to such condition?

自我解剖 Do you think it is you who should take the blame, or your colleague in your team?

应对方式 How will you deal with the criticism?

认知意识 Do you think that it's always to be bad to get criticism from your surroundings?

为人处世 What will be your attitude towards the person who put you in such embarrassment?



应对态度 It is just the detour, rather than the dead-end street.

应对措施 The objective of my life is to stand up from where I fall down.

待人哲学 I think I should be grateful for him and treat him as a friend, not a foe.



Have you ever got criticism from your boss or colleagues?


Could you explain the reason for personal dialogue with your manager recently? 你能谈谈最近跟老板单独对话的原因吗?

Suppose you are criticized strongly by your supervisor, what will you do, leave or stay?


What's your instant response to such condition?


Do you think it is you who should take the blame, or your colleague in your team?

How will you deal with the criticism? 你是怎样处理批评的呢?

Do you think it is always bad to get criticism from your surroundings?


What will be your attitude towards the person who put you in such embarrassment? 你将以怎样的态度对待使你陷入窘迫的人?

After being criticized, how will you take it for self-motivation?


Self-motivation 是自我勉励的意思。类似的还有self-satisfaction 自鸣得意,self-realization 自我实现



1. I think people should be receptive to favorable judgment. And those who consider criticism as negative will not make great achievement in career. 我认为对待正确的批评已不能改变虚心接受,我想那些认为批评只会带来消极影响的人在事业上不会有好的成就。

2. I am not spoiled like a person who is easy to lose temper. I'll be grateful for those who give me suggestions and criticism, who help me to improve my work to the perfection. 我不是那种被宠坏了,乱发脾气的人。我感谢那些对我提出意见或者批评的人们,是这些人在不断完善我的人生。

Spoiled 意为被宠坏的。例如: The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled.六岁的约翰被宠坏了。还有“变质,损坏”的意思。(spoil的过去式和过去分词)He had spoiled the soup by putting in too much salt。他往汤里放太多盐,把汤给糟蹋了。

3. A general communication is necessary, I think. And then I will take a self-improvement strategy, such as having more patience to my customer, realizing every aspect of what you focus on. 我觉得我们需要交谈,之后我会定制自我提高的计划。比如对自己的顾客更有耐心一点,注意事物的方方面面。

4. The objective of my life is to stand up from where I fall down.


5. I'll accept these suggestions and judgments with positive attitude, which will be helpful for my future life. 我会积极的接受这些建议与批评,这对我今后的人生道路有帮助。

6. I will usually accept this kind of stuff, and improve myself through self-reflection. 通常情况下我都会接受批评,之后我会批判式的自我反省,进而不断完善自己。

7. It is just the detour, rather than the dead-end street. 这只是人生中的一段弯路,而不是走向死亡之路。

Detour 意为绕道,弯路。例如:I will consider each obstacle as a mere detour to my goal and a challenge to my profession. 每一次的困难我都仅仅把它当成达到目标之前的一段绕路,把它当成对我专业技能的挑战。

8. I'm not afraid of being criticized, which makes me fully aware of the fault I committed. 公共场合我不怕丢脸,也许只有这样,我才能记得更清楚自己所犯下的过失。

9. I think I should be grateful for him and treat him as a friend, not a foe. 我想我应该向他表示感谢,并把他当做朋友而不是敌人,因为他教会了我很多。

10.I take it seriously. It reminds me all the time. And that's why I take notes every day now. 我很严肃的对待了。它时刻提着我。后来我开始每天记录笔记了。


  相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



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