


面对压力 Have you ever been stressed out at work?

意向表达 Can people avoid stress during their life time?

抗压能力 Would you welcome stress when you are targeting at your goal?

压力作用 Are there any advantages in working under stress?

化解措施 How to deal with it when you feel nervous and physically upset?

自我解压 How do you stress in your daily life?

运动解压 Is it important to set aside time for exercise when managing a busy schedule?



压力作用 A reasonable amount of stress will push me forward a bit faster toward a target.

自我解压 When I am stressful under heavy workload, I will divert my attention for a moment to something I enjoy, such as going to the cinema or a concert, having sports, or just go shopping and so on.

领导给员工解压 Arranging sports game for the staff will make them more healthy and help them better manage stress. What`s more, it can enhance team spirit and boost morale.



Are there any advantages in working under stress?


Can people avoid stress during their life time?


Would you welcome stress when you are targeting at your goal?


Have you ever been stressed out at work?


How to deal with it when you feel nervous and physically upset?


 Deal with 表示应付,处理的意思。例如:He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。与cope with 意思相同。

How do you deal with stress in your daily life?


Do you think companies should arrange leisure activities for the staff?


It time management important when dealing with stress?




1.A reasonable amount of stress can motivate and enhance our work passion and efficiency. Excessive stress, however, may leave us feel “tied up in knots” and does harm to physical health.


2. Stress and relaxation are like twins and both of them are indispensable in our life. In other words, we should learn to relieve ourselves when we are faced with stress.


3. A reasonable amount of stress will push me forward a bit faster toward a target.


4. One will encounter this or that kind of stress due to fierce competition of modern society. What`s important for people is to learn to cope with stress.


5. Manager can encourage employees to develop hobbies, which is also a good way to relieve job stress. Hobbies can divert people`s attention and help them temporarily forget their worries. Therefore, it is important to mix leisure with work.


6. When I am stressful under heavy workload, I will divert my attention for a moment to something I enjoy, such as going to the cinema or a concert, having sports, or just go shopping and so on.


 Divert 转入,转移,转向;使分心。

例如:Northbound traffic will have to be diverted onto minor roads. 北行车辆将不得不向次要道路行驶。

7. Arranging sports game for the staff will make them more healthy and help them better manage stress. What`s more, it can enhance team spirit and boost morale.


8.As the saying goes, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. If you set aside time for exercise, you will not only improve you overall physical health, sleep and work efficiency, but also better manage your stress.


9. When the workload is very heavy, what we should do is to prioritize all tasks in order of importance and urgency. This allows us to tacks, and helps me avoid getting stressed by a large number of unimportant jobs.


10. When managing a busy schedule, other`s cooperation is very important. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”. That is to say, when many people do one thing, everyone`s task is not too hard to complete. Thus, he or she will never become stressed. Therefore, it is very necessary to turn others for help if the workload is too heavy.

 相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训





面对压力 Have you ever been stressed out at work?

意向表达 Can people avoid stress during their life time?

抗压能力 Would you welcome stress when you are targeting at your goal?

压力作用 Are there any advantages in working under stress?

化解措施 How to deal with it when you feel nervous and physically upset?

自我解压 How do you stress in your daily life?

运动解压 Is it important to set aside time for exercise when managing a busy schedule?



压力作用 A reasonable amount of stress will push me forward a bit faster toward a target.

自我解压 When I am stressful under heavy workload, I will divert my attention for a moment to something I enjoy, such as going to the cinema or a concert, having sports, or just go shopping and so on.

领导给员工解压 Arranging sports game for the staff will make them more healthy and help them better manage stress. What`s more, it can enhance team spirit and boost morale.



Are there any advantages in working under stress?


Can people avoid stress during their life time?


Would you welcome stress when you are targeting at your goal?


Have you ever been stressed out at work?


How to deal with it when you feel nervous and physically upset?


 Deal with 表示应付,处理的意思。例如:He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。与cope with 意思相同。

How do you deal with stress in your daily life?


Do you think companies should arrange leisure activities for the staff?


It time management important when dealing with stress?




1.A reasonable amount of stress can motivate and enhance our work passion and efficiency. Excessive stress, however, may leave us feel “tied up in knots” and does harm to physical health.


2. Stress and relaxation are like twins and both of them are indispensable in our life. In other words, we should learn to relieve ourselves when we are faced with stress.


3. A reasonable amount of stress will push me forward a bit faster toward a target.


4. One will encounter this or that kind of stress due to fierce competition of modern society. What`s important for people is to learn to cope with stress.


5. Manager can encourage employees to develop hobbies, which is also a good way to relieve job stress. Hobbies can divert people`s attention and help them temporarily forget their worries. Therefore, it is important to mix leisure with work.


6. When I am stressful under heavy workload, I will divert my attention for a moment to something I enjoy, such as going to the cinema or a concert, having sports, or just go shopping and so on.


 Divert 转入,转移,转向;使分心。

例如:Northbound traffic will have to be diverted onto minor roads. 北行车辆将不得不向次要道路行驶。

7. Arranging sports game for the staff will make them more healthy and help them better manage stress. What`s more, it can enhance team spirit and boost morale.


8.As the saying goes, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. If you set aside time for exercise, you will not only improve you overall physical health, sleep and work efficiency, but also better manage your stress.


9. When the workload is very heavy, what we should do is to prioritize all tasks in order of importance and urgency. This allows us to tacks, and helps me avoid getting stressed by a large number of unimportant jobs.


10. When managing a busy schedule, other`s cooperation is very important. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”. That is to say, when many people do one thing, everyone`s task is not too hard to complete. Thus, he or she will never become stressed. Therefore, it is very necessary to turn others for help if the workload is too heavy.

 相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



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