


辞退经历 Have you ever been dismissed?

辞退理由 Why were you dismissed in your last company?

性格原因 Is your personality a determining factor for you to be dismissed?

工作态度 Is your working attitude a determining factor for you to be dismissed?

工作能力 Is your working ability a determining factor for you to be dismissed?

偶然因素 Was there an accident that made you be dismissed?

公司因素 Was your company rather than your own faults responsible for your discharge?

经验教训 What can you learn from this kind of experience?

个人优势 Do you have the specialty that can convince us to hire you?


辞退原因 There was a change in the company. So something unlucky happened, but I haven’t hurt badly. In contrast, I have learned a lot from it.

经验教训 I learned a lesson a lesson that the customer is always the customer. The result would have been different, if I could be more patient to explain or introduce her a nearby restaurant where the food is cheap and good.

个人优势 I have a good memory and excel in allocating time schedule and coordination skills.


Have you ever been dismissed? 你有被辞退的经历吗?

Why were you dismissed in your last company? 你为什么会被原来的公司辞退?

Is your personality a determining factor for you to be dismissed?


Was there an accident that made you be dismissed? 否是出了什么意外使你被辞退的?

Was your company rather than your own faults responsible for your discharge? 是公司的原因而不是你的过错早就你的离职,是吗?

Have you ever been dismissed because of your conduct or unsatisfactory performance? 曾否因行为或工作不佳而被辞退?

What can you learn from this kind of experience?从这次经历中你学到了什么?

Why do you think I should hire you instead of those who didn`t have the experience of being dismissed? 我为什么要录用你,而不是那些没有被辞退经历的人呢?

Do you have the specialty that can convince us to hire you?



1. I worked in a small company at a time we meet many financial difficulties and we tried every means to get a loan from the bank to overcome it, but we failed. So the boss fired all the employees and I was one of them. 我之前为一家小公司工作,在财务方面遇到了很多麻烦,我们努力想从银行得到贷款来渡过难关,但是,没有成功,公司老板就把我们辞掉了,我是其中之一。

2. I`m regretful that I made those stupid remarks about my leader behind his back. I`ll always keep in mind that don`t speak ill of others behind their backs, because nobody likes to work with a person who backbites.我后悔在领导背后说的那些傻话,今后我会牢记不在背后说人,因为没有人愿意和一个喜欢说人坏话的人一起共事。

3. Because we didn`t fulfill the working plan for sales quota in our company, the supervisor asked to dismiss the most disable employee in our department. As the head of our department, I thought all of them had been working hard and I should be dismissed.我们部门去年没有完成公司的销售业绩,领导责令我们部门最不得力的人员辞退,而我是那个部门的负责人,我觉得大家很辛苦的工作,那个被辞退的应该是我。

4. I have a good memory and excel in allocating time schedule and coordination skills.我具备良好的记忆力以及对时间的分配和沟通协调能力。

5. There was a change in the company. So something unlucky happened, but I haven`t been hurt badly. In contrast, I have learned a lot from it.因为公司有一些变更,所以不幸的事就发生了。不过我并未受到太大的伤害,相反地,倒是从中学到了不少东西。

6. I learned a lesson that the customer is always the customer. The result would have been different, if I could be more patient to explain or introduce her a nearby restaurant where the food is cheap and good.这次经历到苏我顾客永远是上帝,如果我耐心解释或者给她介绍附近便宜又好吃的饭馆结果就会不一样。

7. I reached an agreement with a client on an order before the end of my internship. But later the client canceled the deal resulting from the difficult capital turnover. Therefore I was dismissed for my failure to fulfill the working quota.我在公司的实习期满前和一位客户谈好了一笔订单,但该客户因为资金周转的问题取消了贸易,我因没有完成工作量儿别辞退了。

8. I have 3 years of working experience in the real estimate management and as a head of the marketing team.我具备3年的房地产经纪行业的工作经验和带领销售团队的经验。

9. My first job is to design and distribute posters, It did not appeal to me because I found it lack of challenge. After several other recent college graduates were employed I was dismissed. Later I enrolled in graphic design and got the certificate.我的第一份工作是设计分发宣传海报,这样的工作不具备挑战性,所以我工作中表现不积极,后来有新毕业的大学生来应聘这个工作,我就被裁掉了,后来我报读了平面设计专业biang取得了相关资格。

10.I am innovative, passionate and ready to take the challenge.本人勇于创新,充满激情,敢于挑战高目标。

  相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训





辞退经历 Have you ever been dismissed?

辞退理由 Why were you dismissed in your last company?

性格原因 Is your personality a determining factor for you to be dismissed?

工作态度 Is your working attitude a determining factor for you to be dismissed?

工作能力 Is your working ability a determining factor for you to be dismissed?

偶然因素 Was there an accident that made you be dismissed?

公司因素 Was your company rather than your own faults responsible for your discharge?

经验教训 What can you learn from this kind of experience?

个人优势 Do you have the specialty that can convince us to hire you?


辞退原因 There was a change in the company. So something unlucky happened, but I haven’t hurt badly. In contrast, I have learned a lot from it.

经验教训 I learned a lesson a lesson that the customer is always the customer. The result would have been different, if I could be more patient to explain or introduce her a nearby restaurant where the food is cheap and good.

个人优势 I have a good memory and excel in allocating time schedule and coordination skills.


Have you ever been dismissed? 你有被辞退的经历吗?

Why were you dismissed in your last company? 你为什么会被原来的公司辞退?

Is your personality a determining factor for you to be dismissed?


Was there an accident that made you be dismissed? 否是出了什么意外使你被辞退的?

Was your company rather than your own faults responsible for your discharge? 是公司的原因而不是你的过错早就你的离职,是吗?

Have you ever been dismissed because of your conduct or unsatisfactory performance? 曾否因行为或工作不佳而被辞退?

What can you learn from this kind of experience?从这次经历中你学到了什么?

Why do you think I should hire you instead of those who didn`t have the experience of being dismissed? 我为什么要录用你,而不是那些没有被辞退经历的人呢?

Do you have the specialty that can convince us to hire you?



1. I worked in a small company at a time we meet many financial difficulties and we tried every means to get a loan from the bank to overcome it, but we failed. So the boss fired all the employees and I was one of them. 我之前为一家小公司工作,在财务方面遇到了很多麻烦,我们努力想从银行得到贷款来渡过难关,但是,没有成功,公司老板就把我们辞掉了,我是其中之一。

2. I`m regretful that I made those stupid remarks about my leader behind his back. I`ll always keep in mind that don`t speak ill of others behind their backs, because nobody likes to work with a person who backbites.我后悔在领导背后说的那些傻话,今后我会牢记不在背后说人,因为没有人愿意和一个喜欢说人坏话的人一起共事。

3. Because we didn`t fulfill the working plan for sales quota in our company, the supervisor asked to dismiss the most disable employee in our department. As the head of our department, I thought all of them had been working hard and I should be dismissed.我们部门去年没有完成公司的销售业绩,领导责令我们部门最不得力的人员辞退,而我是那个部门的负责人,我觉得大家很辛苦的工作,那个被辞退的应该是我。

4. I have a good memory and excel in allocating time schedule and coordination skills.我具备良好的记忆力以及对时间的分配和沟通协调能力。

5. There was a change in the company. So something unlucky happened, but I haven`t been hurt badly. In contrast, I have learned a lot from it.因为公司有一些变更,所以不幸的事就发生了。不过我并未受到太大的伤害,相反地,倒是从中学到了不少东西。

6. I learned a lesson that the customer is always the customer. The result would have been different, if I could be more patient to explain or introduce her a nearby restaurant where the food is cheap and good.这次经历到苏我顾客永远是上帝,如果我耐心解释或者给她介绍附近便宜又好吃的饭馆结果就会不一样。

7. I reached an agreement with a client on an order before the end of my internship. But later the client canceled the deal resulting from the difficult capital turnover. Therefore I was dismissed for my failure to fulfill the working quota.我在公司的实习期满前和一位客户谈好了一笔订单,但该客户因为资金周转的问题取消了贸易,我因没有完成工作量儿别辞退了。

8. I have 3 years of working experience in the real estimate management and as a head of the marketing team.我具备3年的房地产经纪行业的工作经验和带领销售团队的经验。

9. My first job is to design and distribute posters, It did not appeal to me because I found it lack of challenge. After several other recent college graduates were employed I was dismissed. Later I enrolled in graphic design and got the certificate.我的第一份工作是设计分发宣传海报,这样的工作不具备挑战性,所以我工作中表现不积极,后来有新毕业的大学生来应聘这个工作,我就被裁掉了,后来我报读了平面设计专业biang取得了相关资格。

10.I am innovative, passionate and ready to take the challenge.本人勇于创新,充满激情,敢于挑战高目标。

  相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



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