


Popular Sentences 流行精句

Basic Expressions 初级表达

Whats the matter with you ?               你那里不舒服?

How long have you had the problem?      这种情况出现有多久了?

I free dizzy and Ive got no appetite      我觉得头晕,而且没有食欲。

 at all.

dizzy a. 头晕目眩的    如:The wet heat made him dizzy. 湿热的天气使他头晕目眩。appetite 胃口;食欲;渴望    如:He has an amazing appetite for difficult work. 他出奇地喜爱艰巨的工作。

I feel a great deal of pain in my abdomen. 我觉得肚子非常疼。

abdomen n. 腹部;下腹   如:He was suffering from pains in his abdomen.他感到腹部剧痛。

I   feel a bit off color. I feel sick.        我感到有点不适。我想呕吐。

Nothing serious, just a slight a cold.       不严重,只是有点轻微的感冒。

I cough a   great at night.                 我晚上咳得厉害。

cough   vt. & vi. 咳;咳嗽  n. 咳嗽    如:He gave a quiet  cough to attract

my attention. 他轻轻地咳了一声以引起我注意。cough up 作为固定搭配时,在不情愿的情况下交出钱款之类的东西,有“勉强交出、掏出或放弃”,如:John finally coughed up the money he owed me.约翰最后勉强交给我他所欠的钱。注:cough up 还有“咳出”的意思,如:He coughed up blood.他咳出血了。

I dont feel like eating anything.             我什么也不想吃。

feel like在口语中表示“想要”,其后可接名词、代词或动名词:feel like doing=want to do. feel like 在口语中也可接从句,此时意思相当于feel as if 感觉好像

My whole body feels weak.                  我觉得浑身无力。

Let me take your temperature.               让我量量你的体温。

Im afraid you need an urgent operation.    你需要立即手术。

You must be hospitalized right now.          你必须马上住院。

hospitalize   vt. 使住院   如:He was hospitalized for a month. 他要住院一个月。

Heres  a prescription for some medicine.       这是药方。

prescription   n. 处方;药方;指示    如:Ive got some new prescription.我得到一些新指示。

Intermediate Expressions   中级表达

My nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat.    我有点鼻塞喉咙很痛。

stuff   up 堵塞 sore throat 喉咙痛

Ive been feeling a pain here for six days      我这儿已经连续痛了六天。

 on end.

on end 连续地,其英语解释为without   stopping

I keep feeling shivery and Ive got a bad     我一直感到发冷并且咳嗽得厉害。


This morning, I felt too   sick to even get     今早,我病得都起不了床了。

out   of   bed.

ill sick两个词为形容词时,都表示“生病”的意思。但在用法上需注意:一般而言,

作定语用sick,作表语时两者都可以,但英国多用ill ,美国多用sick。另外,在英国英语中,用作表语的sick多用来表示“呕吐”。因此,在无上下文或混淆英美英语的情况下常会发生歧义。

Take these medicine after meals twice a day.   这些药一天服两次,饭后服用。

You have to take the tablets three times a    每天三餐饭后服用药片。

 day, after meals.

tablet n. 药片。Tabletpill都可指药片、药丸。tablet:一般指无糖衣包裹的圆片或其他形状的药片。如:The doctor told me to take two tablets of aspirin before meals.医生告诉我饭前吃两片阿匹斯林。Pill:是指特定的药丸,药片。此外,pill在美国口语中,可指女用口服避孕药。如:She had to take sleeping pills to get a good sleep every   night.为了能睡好,她每天晚上都得服用安眠药。

You need to go out and get plenty of exercise. 你有必要到户外多锻炼。

If you follow the directions, you will soon be   如果你按照说明服用,你很快就

 okay.                                             没事了。

I dont think there is anything wrong with you. 你没什么大碍。

Be careful   about your diet and have a good     注意饮食,多休息。


Advanced Expressions   高级表达

 I think you may have a touch of the flu      我觉得你染上了流感。你看起来

thats going around. And   you do seem a        确实有点儿疲倦。

little tired.

flu n. 流行性感冒,英语解释为an infectious disease that causes fever, pains and weakness, 意思为“一种会引起发烧、疼痛与虚弱的感染性疾病”为非正式英语。cold表示“伤风,感冒”阴雨解释为a common illness   that makes you cough, sneeze, etc.即“一种会使你咳嗽,打喷嚏等的常见病。

Ill give you a shot and I recommend you       我给你打一针,并建议你补充一

take some vitamin supplements.                     些维生素。

shot   n.射击;注射;一小杯   recommend    vt. 推荐;建议 recommend+that-clause 从句,表示“建议”从句用should+动词原形,should常可省略。

Here is prescription for you. Please take           这是你的药方。请按说明服药。

the medicine according to the instruction.

Take a walk, listen to some music or       到户外溜溜弯,听点音乐,或喝一杯

drink a cup of hot milk with sugar,          加糖的热牛奶,这些都会有帮助的。

 they all   might help.






Popular Sentences 流行精句

Basic Expressions 初级表达

Whats the matter with you ?               你那里不舒服?

How long have you had the problem?      这种情况出现有多久了?

I free dizzy and Ive got no appetite      我觉得头晕,而且没有食欲。

 at all.

dizzy a. 头晕目眩的    如:The wet heat made him dizzy. 湿热的天气使他头晕目眩。appetite 胃口;食欲;渴望    如:He has an amazing appetite for difficult work. 他出奇地喜爱艰巨的工作。

I feel a great deal of pain in my abdomen. 我觉得肚子非常疼。

abdomen n. 腹部;下腹   如:He was suffering from pains in his abdomen.他感到腹部剧痛。

I   feel a bit off color. I feel sick.        我感到有点不适。我想呕吐。

Nothing serious, just a slight a cold.       不严重,只是有点轻微的感冒。

I cough a   great at night.                 我晚上咳得厉害。

cough   vt. & vi. 咳;咳嗽  n. 咳嗽    如:He gave a quiet  cough to attract

my attention. 他轻轻地咳了一声以引起我注意。cough up 作为固定搭配时,在不情愿的情况下交出钱款之类的东西,有“勉强交出、掏出或放弃”,如:John finally coughed up the money he owed me.约翰最后勉强交给我他所欠的钱。注:cough up 还有“咳出”的意思,如:He coughed up blood.他咳出血了。

I dont feel like eating anything.             我什么也不想吃。

feel like在口语中表示“想要”,其后可接名词、代词或动名词:feel like doing=want to do. feel like 在口语中也可接从句,此时意思相当于feel as if 感觉好像

My whole body feels weak.                  我觉得浑身无力。

Let me take your temperature.               让我量量你的体温。

Im afraid you need an urgent operation.    你需要立即手术。

You must be hospitalized right now.          你必须马上住院。

hospitalize   vt. 使住院   如:He was hospitalized for a month. 他要住院一个月。

Heres  a prescription for some medicine.       这是药方。

prescription   n. 处方;药方;指示    如:Ive got some new prescription.我得到一些新指示。

Intermediate Expressions   中级表达

My nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat.    我有点鼻塞喉咙很痛。

stuff   up 堵塞 sore throat 喉咙痛

Ive been feeling a pain here for six days      我这儿已经连续痛了六天。

 on end.

on end 连续地,其英语解释为without   stopping

I keep feeling shivery and Ive got a bad     我一直感到发冷并且咳嗽得厉害。


This morning, I felt too   sick to even get     今早,我病得都起不了床了。

out   of   bed.

ill sick两个词为形容词时,都表示“生病”的意思。但在用法上需注意:一般而言,

作定语用sick,作表语时两者都可以,但英国多用ill ,美国多用sick。另外,在英国英语中,用作表语的sick多用来表示“呕吐”。因此,在无上下文或混淆英美英语的情况下常会发生歧义。

Take these medicine after meals twice a day.   这些药一天服两次,饭后服用。

You have to take the tablets three times a    每天三餐饭后服用药片。

 day, after meals.

tablet n. 药片。Tabletpill都可指药片、药丸。tablet:一般指无糖衣包裹的圆片或其他形状的药片。如:The doctor told me to take two tablets of aspirin before meals.医生告诉我饭前吃两片阿匹斯林。Pill:是指特定的药丸,药片。此外,pill在美国口语中,可指女用口服避孕药。如:She had to take sleeping pills to get a good sleep every   night.为了能睡好,她每天晚上都得服用安眠药。

You need to go out and get plenty of exercise. 你有必要到户外多锻炼。

If you follow the directions, you will soon be   如果你按照说明服用,你很快就

 okay.                                             没事了。

I dont think there is anything wrong with you. 你没什么大碍。

Be careful   about your diet and have a good     注意饮食,多休息。


Advanced Expressions   高级表达

 I think you may have a touch of the flu      我觉得你染上了流感。你看起来

thats going around. And   you do seem a        确实有点儿疲倦。

little tired.

flu n. 流行性感冒,英语解释为an infectious disease that causes fever, pains and weakness, 意思为“一种会引起发烧、疼痛与虚弱的感染性疾病”为非正式英语。cold表示“伤风,感冒”阴雨解释为a common illness   that makes you cough, sneeze, etc.即“一种会使你咳嗽,打喷嚏等的常见病。

Ill give you a shot and I recommend you       我给你打一针,并建议你补充一

take some vitamin supplements.                     些维生素。

shot   n.射击;注射;一小杯   recommend    vt. 推荐;建议 recommend+that-clause 从句,表示“建议”从句用should+动词原形,should常可省略。

Here is prescription for you. Please take           这是你的药方。请按说明服药。

the medicine according to the instruction.

Take a walk, listen to some music or       到户外溜溜弯,听点音乐,或喝一杯

drink a cup of hot milk with sugar,          加糖的热牛奶,这些都会有帮助的。

 they all   might help.




上一篇:考试测试 Tests 下一篇:关于问候的英语,礼节英语的表达方式之深表歉意
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