感谢与回应 Gratitude and Reply

Useful Words       第1步    熟悉词汇

grateful   感谢的         appreciate     感激

deeply    深深的         reciprocate    答谢

appreciation   感激        indebted     感激的

heartfelt    衷心的        thankful      感激的

gratitude    感谢          gratifying     令人满足的

Useful    Sentences       第2步     牢记句型

Thanks ./ Thank you . / Thanks a lot . 谢谢。/谢谢你。/多谢。

Thank you for …谢谢你……

I really appreciate it . 对此我真的非常感谢。

I don’t know how to thank you . 我不知道该怎么感谢你。

I just wanted to call and say thank you again for …我打电话来是想再次跟你说声谢谢……

You are very welcome . It’s my pleasure ! 你太客气了。这是我的荣幸!

Don’t mention it .不值一提啦。

I owe you a favor . 我欠你一份人情。

1.       Thanks . 谢谢

Thank you . 谢谢你。

Thanks a lot . /Thanks a million . 多谢。

2.       Thank you so much . 非常感谢你。

Thank you very much . 非常感谢你。

3.       Thank you anyway . 不管怎样都要谢谢您。

I really appreciate it . 对此我真的非常感谢。

Thank you all the same .仍然要谢谢你。

4.       Thank you for your help . 谢谢你的帮助。

Thanks for all you’ve done . 谢谢你所做的一切。

Thanks for all you kindness . 谢谢你所有的好意。

I appreciate all you did very much . 我非常感激你所做的一切。

5.       I don’t know how to thank you . 我不知道该怎么感谢你。

I really can’t thank you enough . 真是太感谢你了。

I really can’t find a suitable word to express my sincere thanks to you .


I’m very grateful . 我非常感谢。

suitable   adj. 合适的,适宜的

sincere   adj. 诚挚的,真诚的

6.       You’re welcome . 不客气。

That’s quite alright . 不必客气。

No problem .不客气。

My pleasure . 我很乐意。

7.       Don’t mention it . 不值一提啦。

Don’t worry about it . 别放在心上。

mention  v. 提及,说起

8.       Forget it . You’ve thanked me a thousand times .别提了,你都谢了我一千次了。

No need to thank me so much .没必要这么感谢我。

Useful Conversations       第3步    模仿对话

1.       谢谢你帮我    Thank You for Your Help

Bill  : Excuse me , do you know where I can find information on the Civil War ?

Mary: Yes , of course . Those books are in aisle 5. I can take you there .

Bill  : Thank you very much for your help .

Mary: You are very welcome . It’s my pleasure .

Bill  : Do you have a recommendation ?

Mary: This one is my favorite.

Bill  : Great . Thanks again for your help !








the Civil War 美国内战,南北战争     aisle   n. 过道,通道

recommendation   n. 推荐,建议

2.       我欠你一份人情    I Owe You a Favor

Tom : Hello ?

Amy: Hi Tom ! This is Amy calling .

Tom : Oh, hello Amy ! How are you ?

Amy: I’m great . I just wanted to call and say thank you again for helping me move into my new

     house last Saturday .

Tom : No problem Amy ! That’s what friends are for .

Amy: I really appreciate it . I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help . It was so

     generous of you to let me use your truck and for you to carry all those heavy boxes up the

     stairs . I definitely owe you a favor .

Tom : Well , next time I move you can help me . Then we will be even .

Amy: Sounds fair to me . I’ve got to go now , but thanks again. I will talk to you soon.

Tom : Bye !










generous    adj. 慷慨的,大方的     definitely    adv. 一对地,肯定地

owe sb. a favor 欠某人一份人情    even   adj. 平等的,均衡的

Useful Paragraph         第4步  诵读短篇

In the busyness of life, we often forget to wish a stranger hello although how easy it is , and how great and lasting a difference it can make . When you say hello to a stranger you become like a pebble thrown into a pond . With each ripple you create , you spread love that continues to give. Make a point of saying hello to a stranger today . You will give the gift that keeps on giving.


pebble   n. 卵石,小圆石       ripple  n. 涟漪,波纹

Cultural Background        第5步    了解文化

外国人说“谢谢”似乎比中国人多。中国人很多时候是在得到大量帮助时会说“谢谢”,并且非常诚恳。而西方人表达“谢谢”的场合更多,如无论是上下级或者亲朋好友或者家庭成员之间也常说“谢谢”,即便是一些小事,甚至分内之事。在他们看来,“thank you “只是习惯性的用语,并不表示多大的谢意。

例如每堂课结束后,英美学生会习惯性地跟老师说“thank you “。回答“thank you “时,中国人往往会说“这是我应该做的。”,把这句话直译过来就是“It’s my duty. ”,这会让英美学很困惑,也很不愉快,因为“It’s my duty. ”的含意是:我本不想做,但这是我的职责,我不得不做。这就是中西方思维的差异。适当的回答应该是“It’s my pleasure.(我很乐意)”,“Don’t mention it .(没什么)”“You’re welcome . (不用谢)”。



感谢与回应 Gratitude and Reply

Useful Words       第1步    熟悉词汇

grateful   感谢的         appreciate     感激

deeply    深深的         reciprocate    答谢

appreciation   感激        indebted     感激的

heartfelt    衷心的        thankful      感激的

gratitude    感谢          gratifying     令人满足的

Useful    Sentences       第2步     牢记句型

Thanks ./ Thank you . / Thanks a lot . 谢谢。/谢谢你。/多谢。

Thank you for …谢谢你……

I really appreciate it . 对此我真的非常感谢。

I don’t know how to thank you . 我不知道该怎么感谢你。

I just wanted to call and say thank you again for …我打电话来是想再次跟你说声谢谢……

You are very welcome . It’s my pleasure ! 你太客气了。这是我的荣幸!

Don’t mention it .不值一提啦。

I owe you a favor . 我欠你一份人情。

1.       Thanks . 谢谢

Thank you . 谢谢你。

Thanks a lot . /Thanks a million . 多谢。

2.       Thank you so much . 非常感谢你。

Thank you very much . 非常感谢你。

3.       Thank you anyway . 不管怎样都要谢谢您。

I really appreciate it . 对此我真的非常感谢。

Thank you all the same .仍然要谢谢你。

4.       Thank you for your help . 谢谢你的帮助。

Thanks for all you’ve done . 谢谢你所做的一切。

Thanks for all you kindness . 谢谢你所有的好意。

I appreciate all you did very much . 我非常感激你所做的一切。

5.       I don’t know how to thank you . 我不知道该怎么感谢你。

I really can’t thank you enough . 真是太感谢你了。

I really can’t find a suitable word to express my sincere thanks to you .


I’m very grateful . 我非常感谢。

suitable   adj. 合适的,适宜的

sincere   adj. 诚挚的,真诚的

6.       You’re welcome . 不客气。

That’s quite alright . 不必客气。

No problem .不客气。

My pleasure . 我很乐意。

7.       Don’t mention it . 不值一提啦。

Don’t worry about it . 别放在心上。

mention  v. 提及,说起

8.       Forget it . You’ve thanked me a thousand times .别提了,你都谢了我一千次了。

No need to thank me so much .没必要这么感谢我。

Useful Conversations       第3步    模仿对话

1.       谢谢你帮我    Thank You for Your Help

Bill  : Excuse me , do you know where I can find information on the Civil War ?

Mary: Yes , of course . Those books are in aisle 5. I can take you there .

Bill  : Thank you very much for your help .

Mary: You are very welcome . It’s my pleasure .

Bill  : Do you have a recommendation ?

Mary: This one is my favorite.

Bill  : Great . Thanks again for your help !








the Civil War 美国内战,南北战争     aisle   n. 过道,通道

recommendation   n. 推荐,建议

2.       我欠你一份人情    I Owe You a Favor

Tom : Hello ?

Amy: Hi Tom ! This is Amy calling .

Tom : Oh, hello Amy ! How are you ?

Amy: I’m great . I just wanted to call and say thank you again for helping me move into my new

     house last Saturday .

Tom : No problem Amy ! That’s what friends are for .

Amy: I really appreciate it . I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help . It was so

     generous of you to let me use your truck and for you to carry all those heavy boxes up the

     stairs . I definitely owe you a favor .

Tom : Well , next time I move you can help me . Then we will be even .

Amy: Sounds fair to me . I’ve got to go now , but thanks again. I will talk to you soon.

Tom : Bye !










generous    adj. 慷慨的,大方的     definitely    adv. 一对地,肯定地

owe sb. a favor 欠某人一份人情    even   adj. 平等的,均衡的

Useful Paragraph         第4步  诵读短篇

In the busyness of life, we often forget to wish a stranger hello although how easy it is , and how great and lasting a difference it can make . When you say hello to a stranger you become like a pebble thrown into a pond . With each ripple you create , you spread love that continues to give. Make a point of saying hello to a stranger today . You will give the gift that keeps on giving.


pebble   n. 卵石,小圆石       ripple  n. 涟漪,波纹

Cultural Background        第5步    了解文化

外国人说“谢谢”似乎比中国人多。中国人很多时候是在得到大量帮助时会说“谢谢”,并且非常诚恳。而西方人表达“谢谢”的场合更多,如无论是上下级或者亲朋好友或者家庭成员之间也常说“谢谢”,即便是一些小事,甚至分内之事。在他们看来,“thank you “只是习惯性的用语,并不表示多大的谢意。

例如每堂课结束后,英美学生会习惯性地跟老师说“thank you “。回答“thank you “时,中国人往往会说“这是我应该做的。”,把这句话直译过来就是“It’s my duty. ”,这会让英美学很困惑,也很不愉快,因为“It’s my duty. ”的含意是:我本不想做,但这是我的职责,我不得不做。这就是中西方思维的差异。适当的回答应该是“It’s my pleasure.(我很乐意)”,“Don’t mention it .(没什么)”“You’re welcome . (不用谢)”。




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