在西餐厅 At the Western Restaurant


Useful  Words       第1步   熟悉词汇

salad   色拉    ketchup  番茄酱      jammy   涂上果酱的

pudding   布丁    pastry   酥皮点心   aperitif  开胃酒

blender   搅拌机   caviar  鱼子酱      mustard   芥末

pie    馅饼        doughnut   甜甜圈   broth   肉汤

crust    面包皮     cheese  乳酪    onion   洋葱

Useful  Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

How do you like your …cooked ? 你的……要几分熟?

What would you like for …?……您喜欢吃什么?

Would you like to have some wine with your dinner ?


How about a …for each ? 每人来一份……怎么样?

…is delicious and worth a try . ……鲜美可口,值得一试。

It’s our chef’s recommendation . 这是我们大厨的拿手菜。

Should we get some appetizers to start ?


1.       How do you like your steak cooked ? 你的牛排要几分熟?

I’d like the char broiled steak . 我要炭烧牛排。

char  n. 炭    broiled   adj. 烧烤的

2.       How do you like your egg cooked ? 你的蛋要几分熟?

Scramble /sunny-side up ./ over easy .


scramble  v. (用牛奶和黄油)炒(蛋)

3.       What would you like for dinner / dessert ?


What about American breakfast ? 美式早餐怎样?

4.       Would you like to have some wine with your dinner ?


I would suggest Californian red wine for the beef steak .


5.       What kind of fish is this ? 这是什么鱼?

I'll have fried cod . 我吃炸鳕鱼吧。

cod . 鳕鱼

6.       How about a chicken casserole for each ? 每人来一份砂锅鸡怎么样?

There is a Deli over there , do you like it ?


casserole  n. 砂锅    deli  n. 熟食店

7.       This bread is soggy . 面包没烤透。

These potato chips are soft.  这些土豆片都软了。

soggy  n. 湿透的

8.       This has a strong flavor . 这个味道很重。

This has a weak flavor . 这个味道淡。

9.       Would you like some ? 你要来点儿吗?

Can I have some more bread ? 能再多给我点面包吗?

10.   The soup is delicious and worth a try . 这汤鲜美可口,值得一试。

I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup . 我上错了汤,真抱歉。

11.   It's our chef’s recommendation . 这是我们大厨的拿手菜。

chef  n.  大厨    recommendation  n.  优点,长处,推荐

12.   Oh , and French dressing on the salad , please .


dressing  n. 调料

13.   I dropped my fork . 我的叉子掉了。

I can’t find my knife  . 我找不到刀了。

Useful   Conversations     第3步   模仿对话

1.       开胃小菜   Some  Appetizers

Tara    : Should we get some appetizers to start ?

Amanda : Yeah , I’m in the mood for Crab Cakes .

Waiter  : Hi ladies , can I start you with some appetizers today ?

Amanda : Do you have Crab Cakes ?

Waiter  ; Yes , we do .

Tara    : What about Mozzarella Sticks ?

Waiter  : We have those too .

Tara    : Okay , how about one order of Crab Cakes and one order of Mozzarella Sticks ?

Waiter  : Coming right up !

塔拉: 我们是不是应该先来点开胃小菜?





塔拉 : 有黄金起司条吗?


塔拉 ; 好的,要一份蟹肉蛋糕和一份黄金起司条好吗?


Appetizer  n. 开胃菜    Mozzarella   Stick  黄金起司条,

2.        苹果派与甜点   Apple Pie and Dessert

Tara    : Those appetizers were good , I’m getting full !

Amanda : Me too , maybe we should just order dessert !

Tara    : Sounds good , let’s look at the menu again .

Amanda : Oh, they have chocolate cake !

Tara    : And cheesecake , and ice cream , and a[[le pie …

Amanda : Wow , are you thinking what I’m thinking ?

Tara    : It depends . Are you thinking of getting one of everything ?

Amanda : Yes .

Tara   : Perfect !

Waiter : Hi ladies , can I get you anything else ?

Amanda: We’ll have one of every dessert on the menu , please .

Waiter  : Really ? Wow ! Okay , do you want  your apple pie warm ?

Tara   : Definitely , And with extra ice cream on the side .

Waiter : You got it .

塔拉: 这些开胃菜太好吃了,我都吃饱了!


塔拉: 好主意,咱们再看看菜单。


塔拉:  还有芝士蛋糕、冰淇淋、苹果派……








塔拉: 当然。再在上面加上冰淇淋。


cheesecake  n. 芝士蛋糕    apple pie   苹果派

Useful  Paragraph       第4步    诵读短篇

Friendship is like the breeze , you can’t hold it , smell it , taste it , or know when it’s coming , but you can always feel it , and you’ll always know it’s there , it may come and then go , but you can know it’ll always be back .


Cultural Background      第5步    了解文化


一.预定:1. 上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么?Good morning /afternoon /evening , may I help you >? 2. 先生/女士,请问您一共有多少人用餐? How many persons are there in you party , sir / Madam ? 3. 请问您几点到? What time would you like to arrive  ? 4. 请问您贵姓? May I have your name , please ? 5. 可以留下您的电话号码吗? May I take your telephone number , please ?

二.迎宾:其请问您有预定吗?Do you have a reservation ? 2. 请这边走/请跟我来。 This way please / Follow me , please ? 3. 先生,您坐这里可以吗? Would you like to sit here , sir ? 4. 您是愿意靠窗户走还是靠门坐呢? Which do you prefer ,by the window or near the door ? 5. 先生,对不起,让您久等了。 I’m sorry to keep you waiting , sir ?

三.点菜: 1. 您准备点菜了吗? Are you ready to order now ? 2. 请问您想吃些什么? What would you like to order ? 3. 请问您还需要点别的吗? Would you like some more ? 4. 请问您的牛排要几分熟? How would you like your steak cooked ?

结账;1. 请问您现在结账吗? Would you like to have the bill now ? 2. 请问您是付现金还是用信用卡结账?Would you like to pay cash or by credit card ? 3. 请问你们是分账单还是合在一起? Would you like the amount on the same bill or separately ? 4. 对不起,先生,请您在这儿签个名,好吗? Excuse me ,sir , would you please sign your name here ?



在西餐厅 At the Western Restaurant


Useful  Words       第1步   熟悉词汇

salad   色拉    ketchup  番茄酱      jammy   涂上果酱的

pudding   布丁    pastry   酥皮点心   aperitif  开胃酒

blender   搅拌机   caviar  鱼子酱      mustard   芥末

pie    馅饼        doughnut   甜甜圈   broth   肉汤

crust    面包皮     cheese  乳酪    onion   洋葱

Useful  Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

How do you like your …cooked ? 你的……要几分熟?

What would you like for …?……您喜欢吃什么?

Would you like to have some wine with your dinner ?


How about a …for each ? 每人来一份……怎么样?

…is delicious and worth a try . ……鲜美可口,值得一试。

It’s our chef’s recommendation . 这是我们大厨的拿手菜。

Should we get some appetizers to start ?


1.       How do you like your steak cooked ? 你的牛排要几分熟?

I’d like the char broiled steak . 我要炭烧牛排。

char  n. 炭    broiled   adj. 烧烤的

2.       How do you like your egg cooked ? 你的蛋要几分熟?

Scramble /sunny-side up ./ over easy .


scramble  v. (用牛奶和黄油)炒(蛋)

3.       What would you like for dinner / dessert ?


What about American breakfast ? 美式早餐怎样?

4.       Would you like to have some wine with your dinner ?


I would suggest Californian red wine for the beef steak .


5.       What kind of fish is this ? 这是什么鱼?

I'll have fried cod . 我吃炸鳕鱼吧。

cod . 鳕鱼

6.       How about a chicken casserole for each ? 每人来一份砂锅鸡怎么样?

There is a Deli over there , do you like it ?


casserole  n. 砂锅    deli  n. 熟食店

7.       This bread is soggy . 面包没烤透。

These potato chips are soft.  这些土豆片都软了。

soggy  n. 湿透的

8.       This has a strong flavor . 这个味道很重。

This has a weak flavor . 这个味道淡。

9.       Would you like some ? 你要来点儿吗?

Can I have some more bread ? 能再多给我点面包吗?

10.   The soup is delicious and worth a try . 这汤鲜美可口,值得一试。

I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup . 我上错了汤,真抱歉。

11.   It's our chef’s recommendation . 这是我们大厨的拿手菜。

chef  n.  大厨    recommendation  n.  优点,长处,推荐

12.   Oh , and French dressing on the salad , please .


dressing  n. 调料

13.   I dropped my fork . 我的叉子掉了。

I can’t find my knife  . 我找不到刀了。

Useful   Conversations     第3步   模仿对话

1.       开胃小菜   Some  Appetizers

Tara    : Should we get some appetizers to start ?

Amanda : Yeah , I’m in the mood for Crab Cakes .

Waiter  : Hi ladies , can I start you with some appetizers today ?

Amanda : Do you have Crab Cakes ?

Waiter  ; Yes , we do .

Tara    : What about Mozzarella Sticks ?

Waiter  : We have those too .

Tara    : Okay , how about one order of Crab Cakes and one order of Mozzarella Sticks ?

Waiter  : Coming right up !

塔拉: 我们是不是应该先来点开胃小菜?





塔拉 : 有黄金起司条吗?


塔拉 ; 好的,要一份蟹肉蛋糕和一份黄金起司条好吗?


Appetizer  n. 开胃菜    Mozzarella   Stick  黄金起司条,

2.        苹果派与甜点   Apple Pie and Dessert

Tara    : Those appetizers were good , I’m getting full !

Amanda : Me too , maybe we should just order dessert !

Tara    : Sounds good , let’s look at the menu again .

Amanda : Oh, they have chocolate cake !

Tara    : And cheesecake , and ice cream , and a[[le pie …

Amanda : Wow , are you thinking what I’m thinking ?

Tara    : It depends . Are you thinking of getting one of everything ?

Amanda : Yes .

Tara   : Perfect !

Waiter : Hi ladies , can I get you anything else ?

Amanda: We’ll have one of every dessert on the menu , please .

Waiter  : Really ? Wow ! Okay , do you want  your apple pie warm ?

Tara   : Definitely , And with extra ice cream on the side .

Waiter : You got it .

塔拉: 这些开胃菜太好吃了,我都吃饱了!


塔拉: 好主意,咱们再看看菜单。


塔拉:  还有芝士蛋糕、冰淇淋、苹果派……








塔拉: 当然。再在上面加上冰淇淋。


cheesecake  n. 芝士蛋糕    apple pie   苹果派

Useful  Paragraph       第4步    诵读短篇

Friendship is like the breeze , you can’t hold it , smell it , taste it , or know when it’s coming , but you can always feel it , and you’ll always know it’s there , it may come and then go , but you can know it’ll always be back .


Cultural Background      第5步    了解文化


一.预定:1. 上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么?Good morning /afternoon /evening , may I help you >? 2. 先生/女士,请问您一共有多少人用餐? How many persons are there in you party , sir / Madam ? 3. 请问您几点到? What time would you like to arrive  ? 4. 请问您贵姓? May I have your name , please ? 5. 可以留下您的电话号码吗? May I take your telephone number , please ?

二.迎宾:其请问您有预定吗?Do you have a reservation ? 2. 请这边走/请跟我来。 This way please / Follow me , please ? 3. 先生,您坐这里可以吗? Would you like to sit here , sir ? 4. 您是愿意靠窗户走还是靠门坐呢? Which do you prefer ,by the window or near the door ? 5. 先生,对不起,让您久等了。 I’m sorry to keep you waiting , sir ?

三.点菜: 1. 您准备点菜了吗? Are you ready to order now ? 2. 请问您想吃些什么? What would you like to order ? 3. 请问您还需要点别的吗? Would you like some more ? 4. 请问您的牛排要几分熟? How would you like your steak cooked ?

结账;1. 请问您现在结账吗? Would you like to have the bill now ? 2. 请问您是付现金还是用信用卡结账?Would you like to pay cash or by credit card ? 3. 请问你们是分账单还是合在一起? Would you like the amount on the same bill or separately ? 4. 对不起,先生,请您在这儿签个名,好吗? Excuse me ,sir , would you please sign your name here ?




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