Fag: Excuse me, is this the Light Industrial Products Import and Export     
Bai: Yes, it is. Can I serve you in any way?
Fag: I’d like to see Mr. Gao for a few minutes.
Bai: Do you have an appointment with him?
Fag: No. But I’ve got something important to talk to him. I wonder if he could
spare some time to meet me.
Bai: Let me see if he is free right now. (Goes out and comes back in a very short
    Time) OK. Come along, please. I’ll show you to his office.
Fag: Good morning, Mr. Gao. I’ve come to discuss with you the contract for high
    technology office equipment. You see, we talked about this transaction over
    the telephone only a few days ago, Now after careful consideration, I’ve
   changed my mind and think I must go into some details face to face with you.
Gao: Do you mean that you are prepared to accept our terms? As I told you, our
    Terms are most favorable.
Fag: Well, it’s like this. I telephoned my head office for advice the other day. My
    boss has agreed to the price you suggested. And I’ve brought a draft contract
    with me. Would you like to go over it?
Gao: Mm… It’s all right to me. Well, I’ll sign it.
Fag: Let’s each keep one copy of it. This is for you.
Gao: I’m glad we’ve concluded this first transaction between us. Our next job is to
    See the contract carried out smoothly. I hope both of us will stick to the terms
    And conditions in the contract.
Fag: Sure. A businessman must always abide by the contract, mustn’t he?
                       NEW WORDS
light             轻的(heavy的反义词)     term          术语
industrial         工业的                  favorable      有利的
serve             服务                    boss          老板
appointment       约会                    agree          同意
wonder           诧异                    price          价格
spare             节省,恕宥,让给        suggest        建议
along             沿着                    draft          草案
contract           合同                    sign           签字
technology         技术                    conclude       结束
equipment         设备                     job           工作
transaction         交易                    smoothly       顺利地
careful            小心的,仔细的           stick          粘附,坚持          
consideration       考虑                     condition       条件
mean              意欲,打算               abide          遵守
prepare            准备                     product         产品
I wonder…                        我相知道
come along                        过来,跟我走。
over the telephone                  (通过)电话上
change mind                        改变主意
go into                             讨论,考虑
be prepared                         打算(有准备)做某事
It’s like this.                         是这么回事儿。
The other day                        那天(意指几天前的某一天)
Would you like to do something?         你愿意做某事吗?
go over                              浏览,过目
terms and conditions                   条款




(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



Fag: Excuse me, is this the Light Industrial Products Import and Export     
Bai: Yes, it is. Can I serve you in any way?
Fag: I’d like to see Mr. Gao for a few minutes.
Bai: Do you have an appointment with him?
Fag: No. But I’ve got something important to talk to him. I wonder if he could
spare some time to meet me.
Bai: Let me see if he is free right now. (Goes out and comes back in a very short
    Time) OK. Come along, please. I’ll show you to his office.
Fag: Good morning, Mr. Gao. I’ve come to discuss with you the contract for high
    technology office equipment. You see, we talked about this transaction over
    the telephone only a few days ago, Now after careful consideration, I’ve
   changed my mind and think I must go into some details face to face with you.
Gao: Do you mean that you are prepared to accept our terms? As I told you, our
    Terms are most favorable.
Fag: Well, it’s like this. I telephoned my head office for advice the other day. My
    boss has agreed to the price you suggested. And I’ve brought a draft contract
    with me. Would you like to go over it?
Gao: Mm… It’s all right to me. Well, I’ll sign it.
Fag: Let’s each keep one copy of it. This is for you.
Gao: I’m glad we’ve concluded this first transaction between us. Our next job is to
    See the contract carried out smoothly. I hope both of us will stick to the terms
    And conditions in the contract.
Fag: Sure. A businessman must always abide by the contract, mustn’t he?
                       NEW WORDS
light             轻的(heavy的反义词)     term          术语
industrial         工业的                  favorable      有利的
serve             服务                    boss          老板
appointment       约会                    agree          同意
wonder           诧异                    price          价格
spare             节省,恕宥,让给        suggest        建议
along             沿着                    draft          草案
contract           合同                    sign           签字
technology         技术                    conclude       结束
equipment         设备                     job           工作
transaction         交易                    smoothly       顺利地
careful            小心的,仔细的           stick          粘附,坚持          
consideration       考虑                     condition       条件
mean              意欲,打算               abide          遵守
prepare            准备                     product         产品
I wonder…                        我相知道
come along                        过来,跟我走。
over the telephone                  (通过)电话上
change mind                        改变主意
go into                             讨论,考虑
be prepared                         打算(有准备)做某事
It’s like this.                         是这么回事儿。
The other day                        那天(意指几天前的某一天)
Would you like to do something?         你愿意做某事吗?
go over                              浏览,过目
terms and conditions                   条款




(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



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