deal with                            与……打交道,处理     
or else                              否则的话
shopping season                      销售季节
It’s all well for you to say that           你那么说倒轻松
back orders on hand                   在手的过期未交货的订单
in strict rotation                       按严格顺序
as a result                            结果,因此
at a time when                        当….的时候
lose out                             失去,亏本
That’s terrific                        太棒了
I’ll take you at your word               我就认定你这句话了
put it down in the contract               在合同中写进去
1. Now that we’ve satisfactorily dealt with the question of payment terms, I’m eager to know if it’s possible to efect shipment during March?
(1)now that是口语中物一个连词,意思为“一在”, “既然”。
    Now that containers are used, we are able to take advantage of the regular containership service bertween Hong kong and Antwerp.
    Please don’t try to back out, now that everything has been arranged.
(2)These goods are urgently required by our customers for the shopping season in May.
      season  n.季节
      在贸易中有关season 的一些搭配如下:
      busy season 忙季
      high season 旺季
      low/dead/off/dull season淡季
      slack season萧条季节
      shopping season销售季节
      in season上市,旺季
      out of season 下市,淡季
    This year tomatoes came into season much earlier than usual.
As the Chrismas shopping season is drawing near, buyers urge us for an immediate delivery of the gooods. Otherwise they would be behind the season. (Otherwise the season would be over.)


deal with                            与……打交道,处理     
or else                              否则的话
shopping season                      销售季节
It’s all well for you to say that           你那么说倒轻松
back orders on hand                   在手的过期未交货的订单
in strict rotation                       按严格顺序
as a result                            结果,因此
at a time when                        当….的时候
lose out                             失去,亏本
That’s terrific                        太棒了
I’ll take you at your word               我就认定你这句话了
put it down in the contract               在合同中写进去
1. Now that we’ve satisfactorily dealt with the question of payment terms, I’m eager to know if it’s possible to efect shipment during March?
(1)now that是口语中物一个连词,意思为“一在”, “既然”。
    Now that containers are used, we are able to take advantage of the regular containership service bertween Hong kong and Antwerp.
    Please don’t try to back out, now that everything has been arranged.
(2)These goods are urgently required by our customers for the shopping season in May.
      season  n.季节
      在贸易中有关season 的一些搭配如下:
      busy season 忙季
      high season 旺季
      low/dead/off/dull season淡季
      slack season萧条季节
      shopping season销售季节
      in season上市,旺季
      out of season 下市,淡季
    This year tomatoes came into season much earlier than usual.
As the Chrismas shopping season is drawing near, buyers urge us for an immediate delivery of the gooods. Otherwise they would be behind the season. (Otherwise the season would be over.)


上一篇:旺季,淡季,交货 用英语如何表达-常用口语句型 下一篇:外贸英语-船运
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